

Page history last edited by Elena Zakharova 14 years, 7 months ago








Teresa Almeida d'Eca


I was an EFL teacher for 33 years and retired a year ago to continue e-training and teacher training about Web 2.0 communication tools for language learning on a more regular basis.

I've jointly coordinated "Becoming a Webhead", a 6-week exclusively online workshop, with Dafne Gonzalez since Jan 2004, which introduces participants to different Web 2.0 communication tools.

As an active member of the Webheads in Action community of practice since Jan. 2002, I've collaborated regularly with English colleagues all over the world in different activities and projects, and also participated regularly in TESOL conferences between 2001 and 2008.

One of these collaborations was with Yakutsk TESOL in 2008 and 2009 which led to an invitation to give a 5-day workshop in loco to colleagues from different parts of the Republic of Sakha/Yakutia.


Elena Zakharova

(director of the Training Center)


My full-time job is teaching English at the Foreign Languages Department for students of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Yakutsk State  University, besides I devote all my free time volunteering to the YakutTESOL and Training Centre of the Foreign Languages Department. One of the most challenging (in terms of technologies), but rewarding events I've ever been engaged in was Teresa's training course on Web 2.0 tools.

I admire this very brave woman who had the courage to take a very long journey from sunny Portugal to cold Yakutia and shared her knowledge, skills and experience contributing greatly to local EFL teachers' professional development. Now I am sure that all the participants of the course are the most advanced professionals as they know how to use the newest web 2.0 tools thanks to Teresa!

I do hope that the other day we'll meet again and share our experiences.



Marina Popova


My name is Marina Popova. I am a teacher of English at Yakutsk State University. I have been a member of Yakutsk TESOL for 2 years. I attended a five-day workshop from different parts of the Republic of Sakha/Yakutia. Teresa was our teacher, I"ve learnt a lot of useful information during her stay in Yakutsk, about Web 2.0 communication tools for language learning, about her friends all round the world. I created a resource analyticalreading.pbworks.com for my students who study at the faculty of foreign languages.

Analytical Reading (wiki)


      Elena Fedorova 

 I'm a teacher of English at Yakutsk State University at the Department of foreign languages for humanities. My students are from faculties of History, Philology, Yakut Philology and Culture.

I'm interested in the use of new technologies  in teaching process. Thanks to Teresa I've got to know a lot about different Web-based communication tools. It was an interesting and useful workshop! I'm very glad that I had an opportunity to participate in this unforgettable event :-)

I hope that our collaboration will continue!

7 wonders (wiki)

North2010 (wiki)

Kiyags (workshop wiki)


      Irina Savvina 


Hello! I'm Irina. I teach students of Medical and Biology faculties at Yakutsk State University. I've participated in the workshops of Teresa de Eca on March 2010. I've found new magic world of Information and communication technologies! It was a great useful experience! This April i'll try to exchange new knowledge with other yakut teachers!


English Formed (wiki)

 Varya Nazarova



My name is Varya Nazarova. I teach English and Chinese for students of the Finance and Economics Institute and the Medical Institute at Yakutsk State University.  I would like to thank Teresa for very useful precious information about using Web tools in teaching languages. I hope to create a wiki together with my students soon.

Learning in Yakutsk (wiki)


Julia Khomustahova



Dear colleagues, I am Julia Khomustahova from Aldan polytechnichal school. I teach English for school-leavers at the second and a little bit at the third years and the first-year students who come from school after the ninth form. To tell the truth I have no any idea how to start my wiki, besides I am not a mastered user of Internet. May you share your ideas or may I have your prompts? 






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